Our Services Include

We serve a wide range of customer in the oil, petrochemical, and water industries

What we do for you!

Get best industrial services
for your business

We are committed to delivering reliable and innovative solutions that  <a href="tel:+98218086883">meet the highest industry standards.</a>

We are committed to delivering reliable and innovative solutions that meet the highest industry standards.

Numbers Speak

We have twenty years of great experience of industries


Project Completed
Last 5 Years


Great Experienced
Team Member


Clients Worldwide
in 10 Years


Winning Universal
Five Awards

How we execute industries

Ready to bring bigger, better, faster and stronger projects before!

Our Mission

Services provided by petropedam include but not limited to reverse engineering, manufacture of pumps, and spare parts.

  • Manufacturing of Pumps
  • Manufacturing of Spare parts
  • Field service
Our Vision

Design, manufacturing, renovating and after sales services are processed under controls imposed
by iso 9001-2000 management system standards.

  • Design
  • Modification
  • Consultant
Our History

Utilizing special software, equipped workshop and fully trained and experienced personnel translate into lower manufacturing costs, some of which will be passed on to the customer.

  • maintenance of different brands of pumps
  • Repair and overhaul of different brands of pumps
  • Supply of pumps and spare parts
We're thriving and <br>building better products

We're thriving and
building better products



We have worked with
some awesome brands.

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    PetroPedam's frequently asked queries

    Our country possesses approximately 170 billion barrels of oil that can be recovered with today’s technology. Of that number, 165 billion barrels are located in the oil sands.
    Our country possesses approximately 170 billion barrels of oil that can be recovered with today’s technology. Of that number, 165 billion barrels are located in the oil sands.
    Our country possesses approximately 170 billion barrels of oil that can be recovered with today’s technology. Of that number, 165 billion barrels are located in the oil sands.
    Our country possesses approximately 170 billion barrels of oil that can be recovered with today’s technology. Of that number, 165 billion barrels are located in the oil sands.

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